<p> April is a good month to remind yourself just why it is so important to show your support for musicians. Here are some ways to get you started: </p> <p> <strong>Record Store Day</strong>. Saturday, April 21 independently owned brick and mortar records stores all over the world celebrate the 5th annual <em>Record Store Day</em>. Hundreds of artists make special appearances and performances, and participating independent record stores offer exclusive <span>CD</span> and vinyl releases, as well as other promotional products with limited availability. What a perfect day to take a stroll to your nearest mom and pop music store and enjoy some good ol’ records browsing! Find the participating stores at <a href="http://www.recordstoreday.com/">www.recordstoreday.com</a>. </p> <p> <strong>Public Radio Music Month</strong>. April is the Public Radio Music Month, and local public stations, musicians and fans nationwide are celebrating the essential role public radio stations play as champions of musical diversity. All across the country, artists, independent labels and music fans come together for special events and performances in local communities to showcase the importance of non-commercial radio programming and independent music for their careers and in their lives. Read more at <a href="http://www.publicradiomusicmonth.org/">publicradiomusicmonth.org</a>. </p> <p> <strong>Support <span>FMC</span>. </strong>For twelve years already, Future of Music Coalition has been speaking loud for musicians of all stripes and sizes, regardless of genre, format or hairstyle. We work hard to advocate for real long-term changes to ensure that tomorrow’s music industry is sustainable and fair to musicians across the board, and that fans have access to the music they love. Your help is invaluable in making it happen, so please consider showing your support for our work by <a href="http://www.futureofmusic.org/blog/2012/04/19/give-high-five-musician#">a tax-deductible donation</a>. Contributions of all sizes are meaningful and welcome. </p> <p> [Image by<a href="http://shiftingpixel.com/" title="Shifting Pixel, Joe Lencioni's photography"> Joe Lencioni</a>] </p></p> </div>